این رویداد خاتمه یافته است و اطلاعات موجود در این سایت صرفا جنبه آرشیو دارد

:: Keynote Speakers

Prof. Juan Maldacena from Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA.
Talk time and date (online talk): August/17/2024 (08:00 GMT) [11:30-12:30 Iran time (+3:30)]

Juan Maldacena is a renowned theoretical physicist especially in holography. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Maldacena is best known for his significant contributions to the field of theoretical physics, particularly in the areas of quantum gravity, string theory, and quantum field theory. He gained widespread recognition for proposing the AdS/CFT correspondence, also known as the Maldacena duality, which establishes a connection between gravity in higher-dimensional space and quantum field theories on lower-dimensional boundaries. Maldacena's work has greatly influenced and advanced our understanding of fundamental physics. He is currently a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

“Mencion de Honor Diputado Nacional Dr. Juan Bautista Alberdi” Award, C´amara de Diputados, Argentina 2022;
Galileo Galilei Medal 2019;
Richard E. Prange Prize and Lectureship in Condensed Matter Theory and Related Areas 2018;
Albert Einstein Medal 2018;
Lorentz Medal 2018;
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics 2012;
Pomeranchuk Prize 2012;
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Dirac Prize and Medal 2008;
American Institute of Physics and American Physical Society, Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics 2007;
American Physical Society, Edward A. Bouchet Award 2004;
Pius XI Medal 2002;
Sackler Prize in Physics 2000;
UNESCO, Javed Husain Prize for Young Scientists 1999;
MacArthur Fellowship 1999;
Packard Fellowship 1998;
Sloan Fellowship 1998;
Honorary doctorate: University of Buenos Aires 2019, KU Leuven 2022;
Prof. Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari from IPM, Iran, and Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.
Talk time and date (online talk): August/17/2024 (10:30 GMT) [14:00-15:00 Iran time (+3:30)]

Top 10 Iranian Scientists, and Continues member of Iran Science Elites Federation

Some Notable contributions to the field

Study of Holographic Dark Energy
Black Hole Physics
Holographic Noncommutativity
Holographic Entanglement Entropy
Quantum Structure of Space-Time Emerging from String Theory in the context of AdS/CFT Correspondence

3rd place in the global national University entrance exams in Engineering, 1990;
Awarded as the 1st grade in BS class in Sharif University, 1994;
1st grade in the global national entrance exam of Masters degree in Physics, 1994;
Awarded in Sharif University as the 1st grade in PhD class (Graduates of 1998);
Khwarizmi Young scientist award for top-cited papers on noncommutative geometry 2001;
Awarded as authors of top-cited papers of the year 2003;
2nd place in the Khwarizmi International Award 2006;
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Dirac Prize and Medal 2007;
The Weyl Prize 2008;
Allameh Tabatabai Scientific Award of the National Elite Foundation 2012;
Prof. Lawrence M. Krauss from The Origins Project Foundation, USA.
Talk time and date (online talk): August/18/2024 (15:30 GMT) [19:00-19:30 Iran time (+3:30)]

After his tenure at the Harvard Society of Fellows, Lawrence Krauss became an assistant professor at Yale University in 1985 and an associate professor in 1988. He moved to Case Western Reserve University in 1993, where he was the Ambrose Swasey Professor of Physics, professor of astronomy, and chairman of the physics department until 2005. During that period he completely revitalized the department, created a host of new academic programs, and built and created a national-ranked program in particle physics and cosmology. 
In August 2008, Krauss joined Arizona State University as a foundation professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration and the Physics Department and directed the Origins Project, which explored fundamental questions about human origins. 
Krauss is an active science communicator, appearing in media, writing for The New York Times, and opposing intelligent design. He participated in the Beyond Belief symposia and served on Barack Obama’s science policy committee in 2008. He has held various academic and advisory roles, including serving on the boards of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the Federation of American Scientists, and as a founding professor at the New College of the Humanities.
Krauss’s popular writing including the New York Times and International bestsellers, The Physics of Star Trek (1995), and his 2012 book A Universe from Nothing .  Among Krauss's 12 books are included a scientific biography of Richard Feynman, Quantum Man (2011) and The Greatest Story Ever Told—So Far (2017). He also wrote about the Higgs boson’s significance in Newsweek and The New York Times.
In January 2019, Krauss became President of the Origins Project Foundation and launched The Origins Podcast in June. He has contributed significantly to theoretical physics and cosmology, proposing a number of the methods now being used to search for particle dark matter, the possible existence of quantum hair on black holes, and in 1995 proposing that the universe’s energy density is dominated by the energy of empty space, a theory confirmed in 1998 and awarded the Nobel Prize in 2011.

American Physical Society Lilienfeld Prize (2001)
American Institute of Physics Writing Award (2002)
American Association of Physics Teacher Oersted Medal (2004)
Helen Sawyer Hogg Prize, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (2009)
National Science Board Public Service Award (2012)
Richard Dawkins Award (2016)
First Prize Award Gravity Research Foundation (1984,2014)

Virtual Links

Time: Aug 17, 2024

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 6160 7579
Passcode: 516531


Time: Aug 18, 2024 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 0835 3483
Passcode: 360580

In-Person Conference Room

Address: LIB 312, Department of Mathematics, Kelowna Campus, UBC Okanagan, Canada.
Date: August 17, 2024
Time: 9:00-15:00 (Pacific time)


Important Dates

Call for Full Text Articles and Registration:

Deadline for Full Text Articles and Abstracts:

Deadline for Registration of Virtual Participants without Submitting an Article:

Date of the Conference:

List of Participants

List of participants is available here.

Paper Template

Use the paper template to submit your papers.


The best talk prize: 20,000,000 IRR

The best poster presentation prize: 10,000,000 IRR

The best paper prize for industrial application of holography: 30,000,000 IRR
